Wednesday, March 21, 2018

National School Walk-Out

Here's Kirstin and Nancy with a report on the national school out.


  1. This walkout was monumental. There were so many people showing their love and support for Majory Stoneman Douglas High School, including kids at Veritas. It was one of the highlights of my generation in terms of politics.

  2. The walkout has been something that represents all of us as students. We should all stand together as one. And this video just marks us as the current high school students as pioneers.

  3. I think this was a good topic to talk about it. It was a serious topic, and this video gave me the information I needed. You guys' mood went along perfect with it.

  4. This walkout was very important. It showed support and unity for the students at Majority Stoneman Douglas High School. Unfortunately I could not participate in the walkout, however my heart will always be with them.

  5. This was perfect! you guys gave good information about the topic and it was very interesting to watch. I also liked how you didn't make me feel bored just by watching you guys speak.

  6. Great editing. The music in the background matched the theme of making it serious. It was a good topic to focus on.

  7. The Parkland school shooter devastated numerous people across the globe, and the National School Walkout was definitely an important event to discuss. I'm not really up to date with current events and I only found out what was going on on the day of the walk out, but you guys summarized it perfectly. Your video was very well executed and thank you for taking your time to talk about this.

  8. I think that this was a good video. Not only did you tell the audience information but you asked questions, which left the audience thinking and wanting to come back. I don't think that you should have had bloopers in this type of video though. But Good Job!

  9. Having it be personal, because of participation of the walk out, you guys did great informing people. You knew what you were talking about. It was put together well.

  10. I think there was good edits such as the music in the background and facts being stated. The microphone made it seem more professional as well. Overall it was a great truth be told.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great editing and music. I'm proud that you spoke about this issue. Overall it was great.

  13. This issue is good and interesting, good music in the background as well.
